on this day

When my brother was a baby, my parents (like the new parents in the mid-1990s that they were) bought a video camera. To give you an idea of how long ago this was, it wasn't even one of those clunky old digital cameras that took videos at the same quality as an early 2000s flip … Continue reading on this day

i did basic math for this post and it took me a while

Among the (many) things I’m supposed to be writing this summer is my personal statement. So true to form, I have a couple of rambling pages in Google Docs about how great I think science is. Probably about a paragraph and a half from this is going to make it into the actual personal statement … Continue reading i did basic math for this post and it took me a while


There's this test that I'm taking as a way to procrastinate on taking the GRE called the CSET, and before I go on, can somebody please tell me why all standardized tests insist on having acronyms as names? No one knows what the acronym stands for anyway, so it'd be much more fun to just call … Continue reading Pieces